What separates us from other consultancies?

  • Experience across the capital stack: Our managers have been servicers, investors, owners, and operating partners. We have experience investing and managing through several economic and real estate cycles and have a broad understanding of the complexities facing investors and operators.

  • Experience executing successful business strategies. As managers of portfolios of distressed commercial assets, we’ve gained rare insight into the pitfalls that cause companies to struggle, and have learned the keys successful companies employ to survive crisis and prosper.

  • Cost effectiveness: Owners and company executives have good reason to be skeptical about opening the Pandora’s box of costly and potentially disruptive consulting assignments. The managers at Blue Impact have experience hiring and working with consultants and have learned what to avoid. We won’t try to sell you what you don’t need, we minimize disruption, we avoid causing angst to your staff, and we present actionable results based on real-world experience.